USA Today Travel: Mystery Trip 2013


On Friday morning I’m heading out on the road for USA Today Travel’s Go Escape magazine – but I won’t know where I’m going until I get to the airport. Awesome concept, and it should be a ton of fun – though I don’t know how much fun Alaska would be if I’m stuck wearing a pair of briefs for two days. They’re more of a beach accessory.

I’ll be tweeting live once I know where I’m headed with the hope that local folk in the know will point me in the direction of some good times, so follow me on twitter @FlashParker and stay connected with me on Facebook as I upload photos of my trip.

Here’s a brief rundown of what I plan on taking with me – my USA Today survival kit.

The bare essentials for my mystery adventure.

Clockwise from left:
1. Underwater camera (I hope they send me to Hawaii!)
2. Checkered shirt so I look good in whatever brewery I explore.
3. Bear Grylls shirt, so I look good in the wild.
4. Passport, so I can get into North Korea, should that be where I end up.
5. Canadian flag – can’t leave home without it (also have the tattoo) and evil spirit amulet.
6. Canadian coins, to impress my American cousins (toonie!)
7. Random currency – you never know.
8. HoldFast Gear Money Maker camera strap – the best piece of photo gear I’ve ever owned.
8. Inova flashlight – to watch my step on the way to the restroom
9. Utility knife – to battle ghosts on my way to the restroom
10. Moleskine notebook – I do have to write a story about this
11. Hockey puck – aka Canadian currency
12. Fresh Flash undies! 1 pair, four wears
13. Voice recorder – for evidence
14. Olympus OM-2n – probably not coming with me, just filling space for the D800.

Track me down on twitter at FlashParker, and follow my adventure on Facebook here!

Asian Geographic: Eyes on the Prize

Eyes on the Prize

This article comes from Asian Geographic, Issue 2, 2013: Death & Decay. I’ve included the article as it appears in the magazine, as well as my original text.  Once again, some great images from contributing photographer Majid Saeedi.

ASIAN Geographic - Issue 2, 2013

ASIAN Geographic - Issue 2, 2013

ASIAN Geographic - Issue 2, 2013


For Asian Geographic Magazine

By Flash Parker

It’s one thing for a student to claim that a dog ate her homework, but another thing entirely to say that she couldn’t see the homework in the first place. Recent studies have revealed that between 80-90% of students graduating from schools in East Asia – from countries including China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan – suffer from short-sightedness, a condition otherwise known as myopia. A person with myopia is unable to focus on objects that are more than 2m away from them at any given point, a result of the eyeball elongating in an irregular manner. Most humans are born long-sighted and over time our eyeballs lengthen in order to allow us to focus better on objects both near and far; if this growth pattern is disrupted or affected by external forces, we may end up short-sighted. We’ve all had parents and teachers warn us not to spend all day in front of the television or sat with our noses buried in a book because it can impair our vision, but a lack of scientific research to back up these claims relegated them to superstition status. Besides, the commonly-held belief was that bad eyesight was correlated to bad genetics, and not our study or social habits. However, new research suggests that myopia, which can eventually lead to impaired vision and even blindness, may have roots in a number of environmental factors, and not be based solely on genetic predispositions. In fact, myopia may be directly linked to how much natural sunlight students are exposed to on a regular basis.

Independent studies conducted by researchers from the Australian Research Council Center of Excellence in Vision Science have associated an increased number of hours spent at school and studying at home and a lack of exposure to sunshine to increases in incidents of students with myopia. One study conducted on students from Singapore’s three predominant ethnic groups – Indian, Malay, and Chinese – concluded that environmental and outside influences, specifically time spent at school and time spent studying versus time spent outdoors under natural sunlight – have increased the number of reported cases of myopia by more than sixty-percent since the early 1990s. Of the students reported in this group, as many as twenty-percent have symptoms of high myopia, a condition that hinders vision of objects near and far, and can quickly lead to blindness if left untreated.

Myopia is not an unknown condition among East Asians; scientists have studied the ailment for decades, but have been unable to agree on whether myopia should be attributed to genetic factors or the severe educational demands placed upon students in major urban centers. As countries like China, South Korea and Singapore introduced aggressive new curriculums in the 1990s, myopia rates increased exponentially. Common risk factors for developing myopia, including the amount of time students spend reading books and pouring over homework at close levels, received a great deal of attention. However, Professor Ian Morgan of the Australian Research Council Centre wondered whether the amount of time students were spending indoors was impacting their eyesight. For example, high school students in South Korea regularly attend core curriculum classes from 8am until 3pm, and then attend afterschool study programs from 4pm until 10pm. As new educational initiatives increase the amount of time students spend buried in their books, the amount of time they may be exposed to natural sunlight decreases substantially. A secondary contributing factor is the increased availability and use of wireless telephones, personal computers, and tablets in Asia – rural and urban – over the last decade. People are simply finding more reasons to avoid going outdoors, thus robbing themselves of an opportunity to prevent myopia. Natural sunlight triggers the release of retinal dopamine, a chemical that inhibits the growth and reshaping of the eye. Sunlight is often more than ten times brighter than artificial light, and is the only practical stimulant of dopamine available to us. Without enough dopamine released into our system, our eyes can grow out of shape.

Despite mounting evidence to the contrary some groups remain convinced that myopia is rooted in genetics and not associated with environmental factors. Troublingly, some students and their parents have resorted to self-medicating in order to prevent the symptoms of myopia; refractive surgery has become popular in affluent East Asian nations, while the drug atropine is more commonly used in East Asia than anyplace else on earth. Some schools in rural China are now experimenting with various ophthalmic devices, including contact lenses, reading glasses and spectacles, with an eye towards slowing the progression of myopia or reversing its effects by artificial means. Scientists argue that if myopia can be prevented by increasing the amount of time students spend outside there is no need to conduct trials with ophthalmic devices; furthermore, early data suggests that when used for lengthy periods the beneficial effects of these ophthalmic devices is drastically reduced. Magnifying reading glasses, for example, force students to focus deeper than they would without the use of glasses, and once their eyes become accustomed to the effects of magnification, the strain on their eyes is significantly increased, and the risk for peripheral hyperopic errors (considered one of the main triggers of myopia) increases substantially. Researches have cautioned school administrators to refrain from experimenting and exposing students to these devices until enough scientific data has been collected, while administrators have argued that exposing students to more sunlight on a daily basis is simply not an option; current academic curriculums require a specific amount of study and homework time, which leaves little hope that students will be afforded opportunities to spend more time outdoors.

Myopia frequency among children of European decent living in Western nations has always been much lower than rates found in Asia – occurring in as few as ten-percent of students in Australia and Canada. Ethnic variances were frequently used in the past to explain away the differences, while Western study habits and time spent in the classroom were thought to be contributing factors (being much less rigorous in comparison). Yet students from Australia, Canada, the United States and other Western nations generally spend a great deal more time outdoors – recess and lunch breaks are longer (recess is non-existent in some East Asian curriculums), and children frequently walk to and from school. Furthermore, few Western students enroll at after school study programs, and thus have more opportunities to get outside. Professor Morgan’s research revealed that students in Singapore spent as little as 30 minutes a day outdoors, while Australian students were exposed to sunlight for an average of three hours per day. Morgan contends that if students from the West spent as much time studying and as little time outdoors as their East Asian counterparts, they too would be at serious risk for developing myopia, again debunking the myth of the gene as it related to short-sightedness.

Studies similar to the one conducted by Professor Morgan have concluded that students won’t necessarily become myopic if they spend a lot of time studying, and that ophthalmic device trials should be viewed as a last resort from the perspective of academic institutions or government bodies. A study by the University of Cambridge concluded that an extra hour per week spent under the sun reduced the risk for myopia by two-percent; if students spent two hours per day outside each day, they would reduce their risk potential by a whopping thirty-percent. By spending that much extra time outside, students would quell the overuse of their near vision, increase the use of their distance vision, expose themselves to much-needed ultra-violet light, and increase their blood circulation.

Millions of current and former students are now staring in the face of a lifetime of vision problems. The World Health Organization warns that a majority of people living in Asia will suffer from some form of myopia by the time they reach 50 years of age; twenty-percent of these people will be highly myopic by the age of 70. This is more than a case of old people needing reading glass – this is a serious public health issue that will eventually threaten the eye health of most people on earth. There is no cure for myopia, so it is extremely important to be aware of the signs and remain equipped to combat early-onset symptoms.

To keep your peepers peeping, look out for these signs, and consult your family doctor or an eye specialist if any symptoms persist:

– Headaches while reading/studying

– Squinting while watching television from a distance

– Frequently irritated eyes

– Excessive blinking

– flash


PS: I’m much better at updating my Facebook page, so if you’re so inclined, head over there for the last goings on from the empire. Click to join me on Facebook.

Asian Geographic: Trouble in Paradise

ASIAN Geographic - Issue 2, 2013

Trouble in Paradise

This article comes from Asian Geographic, Issue 2, 2013: Death & Decay. I’ve included the article as it appears in the magazine, as well as my original text.  The photos provided for this article by Dr. Glenn Losack are stunning – I think this may be the most daring cover I’ve ever seen from a major publication. Pick up a copy of the magazine if you get a chance.


ASIAN Geographic - Issue 2, 2013

ASIAN Geographic - Issue 2, 2013

ASIAN Geographic - Issue 2, 2013

ASIAN Geographic - Issue 2, 2013

ASIAN Geographic - Issue 2, 2013

TROUBLE IN PARADISE: Not all Bacteria are Created Equal

For Asian Geographic Magazine

Shoal Bay is a slice of the Australian idyll, a postcard-perfect stretch of sand in New South Wales’ Port Stephens area. Shoal Bay is one of Australia’s most popular tourist destinations; the view from the Nelson Head lookout features in nearly as many holiday photographs as the significantly more famous Sydney harbor skyline. Shoal Bay is popular among holiday makers, fishermen, landscape photographers, and adventurers set on exploring the pristine backwaters of the Tomaree National Park. This is a destination that is basically paradise incarnate, a place to cultivate lasting memories and images of happiness. It’s not the sort of place you expect to come face to face with death, disease, and destruction, yet one fisherman’s visit to Shoal Bay ended with him catching something that nearly cost him his life. His tale is a cautionary one for anyone looking for their next great adventure.

On November 10, 2006, Tom Maher and his wife Lorna launched their beloved sport boat from a ramp at Buffalo Creek with an eye towards a day fishing some of Shoal Bay’s rewarding tide holes. Before high tide Tom took the pair up the mouth of King Creek in the hope that he might have a shot at landing an elusive metre barra – a term used to denote an Australian Barramundi fish of over 1m in length. Landing a metre barra is akin to joining Australian fishing’s high society, but on this day Tom and Lorna came away empty handed. Tom decided instead to meander across the sand flats on foot when the tide was low, dropping lures as he went. Lorna continued fishing from the boat.

As the tide bucked the shore, one of Tom’s lines caught a snag – he didn’t think much of wading out into the knee-deep water to free his lure, his attention focused squarely on the barra he was intent on landing. And that’s when Tom’s vision of Shoal Bay changed forever. Something swam between Tom’s legs and gashed his right calf, inflicting a three-inch wound that made it difficult even to return to the boat. Lorna managed to dress Tom’s wound and stop the bleeding, but the pain in Tom’s leg was excruciating – and frighteningly, it began to spread. The tide would remain out for a few hours, but Tom needed medical care. Lorna raised the coast guard on the boat’s marine radio and made arrangements for emergency responders to meet them at the boat ramp as soon as they could manage the tide. Five hours would pass between the time of the injury and Tom’s first encounter with professional medical personnel. Sated by painkillers, Tom assumed that his wound would be cleaned and stitched up, and after a few hours he would be on his way home, a sore leg and a fresh scar his only souvenirs from a day on Shoal Bay.

But a few days later the three-inch gash had become a gaping hole a big barra could swim through. Three weeks later Tom was still in the hospital, on a steady regiment of high-powered antibiotics and resting in the hospital’s sterilized hypobaric chamber. This was Tom’s introduction to the waylaying scourge known as Vibrio, a bacteria carried by numerous sea creatures, found in most warm water coastal areas, and frequently transmitted to humans who consume raw shellfish. Certain pathogenic species of Vibrio manifest as flesh eating diseases, and are generally lethal. Tom may have encountered the species known as Vibrio vulnificus, the same species that wreaked havoc on New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and raised the global profile of pseudo-flesh eating diseases. Tom may have been bitten by a shark or a baby crocodile, stung by a ray, slashed by the fins of any number of spiny fish, or cut his leg on a piece of broken glass – the cause of the injury is inconsequential, since the water itself was the carrier of the pathogen. Without proper medical attention Tom‘s symptoms would have steadily become more grave – aside from the staggering pain, Vibrio infections lead to severe vomiting, blistering, explosive diarrhea, and, in a shocking number of cases, septicemia and death. Once Vibrio has settled in the human bloodstream, mortality is 50 percent – even when the bacteria are battled with the best in modern health care. While Tom’s story has a happy ending – his doctors defeated the infection and he received a skin graft to repair the damage to his leg – though his vision of paradise was certainly altered by his brush with a bacteria that is found in all the world’s tropical waters. That’s right – no paradise is safe from these severe bacteria. And some places are less safe than others.

That doesn’t mean that you should avoid going to the beach and instead holiday in Siberia – though reindeer sleigh rides do make for high adventure. Thankfully, cases of Vibrio are relatively rare, but that hasn’t stopped the media from praying on the imaginations of travelers the world over. Headlines abound with shocking first-hand accounts of travelers in exotic locations succumbing to vicious bacteria and flesh eating diseases, though the media rarely takes time to inform the public about the differences among diseases and how they may be avoided, treated, or cared for, choosing instead to toss most conditions under the same umbrella. The media has run wild with stories like Tom’s over the last half-decade, and tropical destinations have suffered for it. But the truth is, not all severe bacterial infections are created equal; many don’t even need tropical humidity to spread and infect humans. Some bacteria can just as easily be contracted on the barren steppes of Mongolia as others can be caught on the beaches of Thailand, some are more deadly than Vibrio, and some are little more than a literal pain in the neck. The media has even managed to equate flesh-eating diseases with leprosy – the old ancient biblical killjoy of a disease, though the similarities are (pardon the pun) skin deep. Causes, effects, and the social stigma associated with leprosy in contemporary Asia is an entirely different paper for another time.

So no thanks to the media, we know that Vibrio isn’t the same flesh-eating disease that hitches a ride on the back of our nightmares; that honor belongs to the condition known as Necrotizing fasciitis, a fast-acting infection that can actually be triggered by a number of different bacteria. Streptococcus bacteria are one of the most common triggers, which is frightening when one considers that streptococcus is wide ranging and common. Cellulitis and strep throat are infections caused by Streptococcus bacteria; imagining that a simple case of strep throat – a condition hundreds of thousands of people suffer from every year – could lead to something so sinister is sobering indeed, though the way in which the conditions manifests is obviously more complex than that. Whereas Vibrio is a single bacterium, necrotizing fasciitis has numerous catalysts and may be triggered under numerous conditions. And where Vibrio is generally found in saltwater and can be transmitted into open wounds as well as through the consumption of raw shellfish, necrotizing fasciitis occurs much more randomly, and does not necessarily need to use water as a transit medium.

Frighteningly, cases of necrotizing fasciitis often begin on the operating table, when a patient is being treated for an unrelated condition. Contaminated surgical tools, bad water, and even respiratory droplets have been known to infect surgical patients, with one famous case in Hong Kong making international news in 2010 when a young woman, in the process of giving birth through a C-section, contracted necrotizing fasciitis and had to have her arms and legs amputated. Necrotizing Fasciitis can wreak havoc on individuals with compromised immune systems, and if not treated with strong regiments of antibiotics from the outset, can render devastating results to the individual infected. Yet while a number of high-profile cases in recent years have led to speculation that necrotizing fasciitis is becoming an epidemic, the opposite is actually the case. It is far more likely that you will come down with a mild case of Vibrio after a minor accident in the ocean than you will contract necrotizing fasciitis, and while that may not exactly sound comforting, consider that necrotizing fasciitis affects roughly 1 in 450,000 people globally; that means in the whole of China one would expect to encounter fewer than 3,000 cases, while Singapore would see fewer than 10 cases annually. That’s a long way of saying that your chances of contracting any form of flesh-eating disease while on vacation in paradise – tropical or otherwise – are rather remote, so long as you take proper precautions and use common sense on the road.

Limited global cases of flesh-eating diseases also mean scientists have a small sample size within which they are able to conduct research related to cures and treatments – making combating these fast-acting bacteria even more difficult. But when scientists began focusing on wound cleansing prevention solutions rather than bacteria-battling cures, a breakthrough occurred. American scientists from Atlanta, Georgia recently pioneered an antibacterial wound cleaning technology that makes contracting bacteria like Vibrio or staff difficult in the first place; the wound cleaner, pioneered by Dr. Branson Ritchie and known as Silvaklenz, attacks the cell membrane of the infecting bacteria, and helps injured areas transform from chronic to acute in a fraction of the time conventional antibiotic treatments do their dirty work. The product is being deployed all over the world, though associated costs – the biggest factor in combating dangerous bacteria and infectious diseases – means that Silvaklenz may not be available to a wide Asian marketplace for a number of years. But swift FDA approvals in America mean that generic licensing agreements may soon make it available at a fraction of the price all across the world. Dr. Ritchie is convinced that Silvaklenz will eventually become a mainstay in hospitals and a fixture in first-aid kits sold around the world; had Tom had Silvaklenz in his medical kit aboard the boat on Shoal Bay, he could have avoided the infection that nearly cost him his leg in the first place, and been in and out of the hospital in a few hours to fix the cut like he originally envisioned.

Dr. Ritchie often references the case of 24-year-old Aimee Copeland, an American girl who was diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis after cutting herself when falling from a broken zipline. The infection cost Aimee, an otherwise healthy adult, her left leg, right foot, and hands. "If [Aimee] got the wound and this would have been in her first-aid kit, the wound would’ve been cleansed immediately; it would have been soaked down with the Silvaklenz,” Dr. Ritchie said. “Then those bacteria may never have gotten started. And if they hadn’t started, we don’t have to worry about them continuing to do damage to her body." Dr. Ritchie and his medical research team have showed in controlled lab trials that their product is able to prevent necrotizing fasciitis, and is also effective at treating forms similar to the aeromonas hydrophila bacteria species that afflicted Aimee.

Popular media would like us to believe that one bacterium is as good as the other and is just as capable of doing us grave harm, when in reality all bacteria are different – and all bacteria affect all people differently. Not all bacteria are created equal, and some are easily enough defended against by the human body. But there are certain super strains of bacteria that can yield devastating effects on even otherwise strong, healthy individuals – as seen in the case of the disaster at Shoal Bay. While it’s unlikely that antibiotic superdrugs like Silvaklenz are currently part of your travel kit, you can minimize your risk of exposure to dangerous bacteria by exercising common sense near coastal areas, estuaries, or gulf streams – and/or any area where pathogens have been known to occur, as in the case with necrotizing fasciitis.

Helpful tips to avoid bacteria when traveling:

1. Cook all seafood caught in coastal waters

2. Avoid raw oysters or any raw shellfish

3. Do not expose broken or damaged skin to sea water

4. Treat any injury promptly; clean and dress all wounds

5. Seek medical attention as soon as infection begins to spread

– flash  


PS: I’m much better at updating my Facebook page, so if you’re so inclined, head over there for the last goings on from the empire. Click to join me on Facebook